Welcome to the Center for Computational Materials Science!

As the Director, I am thrilled to lead our dedicated team in pushing the boundaries of advanced materials for high-tech applications through cutting-edge research in computational methods. Explore with us as we explore the mysteries of materials at the atomic level, driving innovation and shaping the future of materials design. Our dedicated team has been diligently working on projects that push the boundaries of materials science. Materials modeling and simulations is a powerful field of research offer several opportunities, including accelerated product development, cost savings by reducing the need for physical prototypes, improved understanding of material behavior at the atomic level, and the ability to design materials with tailored properties for specific applications. Additionally, these tools enable researchers to explore a wide range of materials and conditions, contributing to advancements in various industries such as medicine, electronics, and energy. Join our journey towards a deeper understanding of the fundamental building blocks that drive technological advancements. Along with the cutting-edge research in computational materials science, our committed team is equally involved in the promotion of quantum science and technologies and are looking for partners nationally and internationally. We welcome researchers and will provide local hospitality. Together, we can shape the future of humanity with advanced materials and quantum technologies.
Dr.Iftikhar Ahmad, PhD (MSE, University of Idaho, USA)

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Published on • 06 Feb, 2024




Published on • 06 Feb, 2024
